Read about the history of Hvidbjerg Vinduet
The History of Hvidbjerg Vinduet
Established by Merchant Niels Langergaard and painter Bjarne Michaelsen.
Established by Isolar A/S.
Shares acqured by Plastmo A/S.
Taken over by Hvidbjerg Vinduet A/S as per 01.12.1993.
Shares of Plastmo A/S are acquired by ACO.
Hvidbjerg Vinduet A/S initiates the timber/aluminium product range.
Hvidbjerg A/S establishes production unit for timber/aluminium in Struer. The painted timber parts are bought outhouse.
Hvidbjerg A/S establishes production unit of approx. 6,000sqm for timber/aluminium production in Nors.
Hvidbjerg A/S moves the timber/aluminium production from Struer to Nors. Hereby consolidating all manufacturing of timber/aluminium in Nors.
ACO Nordic A/S forms part of the German group ACO-Severin Ahlmann Holding GmbH